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Invest in Your Customers and Meet Them Where They Are
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 25" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M10.75 15.4102H13.25V12.9102H15.75V10.4102H13.25V7.91023H10.75V10.4102H8.25V12.9102H10.75V15.4102ZM12 21.641C9.83717 21.0511 8.0465 19.7781 6.628 17.8217C5.20933 15.8654 4.5 13.6782 4.5 11.2602V5.50648L12 2.69873L19.5 5.50648V11.2602C19.5 13.6782 18.7907 15.8654 17.372 17.8217C15.9535 19.7781 14.1628 21.0511 12 21.641ZM12 20.0602C13.7333 19.5102 15.1667 18.4102 16.3 16.7602C17.4333 15.1102 18 13.2769 18 11.2602V6.53523L12 4.29473L6 6.53523V11.2602C6 13.2769 6.56667 15.1102 7.7 16.7602C8.83333 18.4102 10.2667 19.5102 12 20.0602Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg>
Telehealth Solution for Remote Patient Care
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 25" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M9.19225 8.85241V7.35241H17.8077V8.85241H9.19225ZM9.19225 11.7372V10.2372H17.8077V11.7372H9.19225ZM11.923 21.6602H6C5.30133 21.6602 4.71 21.4182 4.226 20.9342C3.742 20.4502 3.5 19.8588 3.5 19.1602V16.2757H6.5V2.66016H20.5V11.1179C20.2435 11.1037 19.9893 11.1194 19.7375 11.1649C19.4855 11.2104 19.2397 11.2857 19 11.3909V4.16016H8V16.2757H13.673L12.173 17.7754H5V19.1602C5 19.4435 5.09583 19.681 5.2875 19.8727C5.47917 20.0643 5.71667 20.1602 6 20.1602H11.923V21.6602ZM14.1155 21.6602V19.0179L19.5443 13.6139C19.6686 13.4896 19.8032 13.4021 19.948 13.3514C20.0928 13.3009 20.2378 13.2757 20.3827 13.2757C20.5378 13.2757 20.6893 13.3051 20.8375 13.3639C20.9855 13.4229 21.1185 13.5114 21.2365 13.6294L22.1615 14.5639C22.2692 14.6884 22.3525 14.8231 22.4115 14.9679C22.4705 15.1127 22.5 15.2576 22.5 15.4024C22.5 15.5472 22.4731 15.6947 22.4193 15.8447C22.3654 15.9947 22.2795 16.1318 22.1615 16.2562L16.7578 21.6602H14.1155ZM15.3077 20.4679H16.2578L19.5038 17.2062L19.0443 16.7312L18.5788 16.2622L15.3077 19.5179V20.4679ZM19.0443 16.7312L18.5788 16.2622L19.5038 17.2062L19.0443 16.7312Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg>
Meet Your Policyholders In-Person
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 25" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M12.9251 11.2103L9.0309 7.31603L10.1001 6.27178L12.9251 9.09678L18.6001 3.44678L19.6444 4.49103L12.9251 11.2103ZM6.70215 18.7373L13.9596 20.791L19.9289 18.941C19.8777 18.7142 19.7713 18.5402 19.6096 18.419C19.4481 18.2979 19.2674 18.2373 19.0674 18.2373H14.1714C13.7342 18.2373 13.3631 18.2206 13.0579 18.1873C12.7527 18.1539 12.4392 18.0809 12.1174 17.968L9.8599 17.2218L10.3039 15.7525L12.3289 16.4565C12.6316 16.559 12.981 16.6289 13.3771 16.666C13.7733 16.7032 14.3367 16.7269 15.0674 16.7373C15.0674 16.4898 15.0116 16.2763 14.9001 16.0968C14.7886 15.9173 14.6418 15.7961 14.4596 15.7333L8.6579 13.6025C8.63856 13.5962 8.6209 13.5914 8.6049 13.5883C8.5889 13.5849 8.57132 13.5833 8.55215 13.5833H6.70215V18.7373ZM1.70215 21.6603V12.0835H8.5424C8.64623 12.0835 8.75173 12.0944 8.8589 12.116C8.9659 12.1379 9.06615 12.1654 9.15965 12.1988L14.9866 14.345C15.4405 14.5129 15.8174 14.8099 16.1174 15.2363C16.4174 15.6626 16.5674 16.1629 16.5674 16.7373H19.0674C19.7854 16.7373 20.3703 16.969 20.8221 17.4325C21.2741 17.8959 21.5001 18.4974 21.5001 19.2373V20.0448L14.0096 22.3718L6.70215 20.2873V21.6603H1.70215ZM3.20215 20.1603H5.20215V13.5833H3.20215V20.1603Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg>
Revolutionize Field Services
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 25" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M4.30775 21.6602C3.80258 21.6602 3.375 21.4852 3.025 21.1352C2.675 20.7852 2.5 20.3576 2.5 19.8524V4.46791C2.5 3.96274 2.675 3.53516 3.025 3.18516C3.375 2.83516 3.80258 2.66016 4.30775 2.66016H19.6923C20.1974 2.66016 20.625 2.83516 20.975 3.18516C21.325 3.53516 21.5 3.96274 21.5 4.46791V19.8524C21.5 20.3576 21.325 20.7852 20.975 21.1352C20.625 21.4852 20.1974 21.6602 19.6923 21.6602H4.30775ZM4.30775 20.1602H19.6923C19.7693 20.1602 19.8398 20.1281 19.9038 20.0639C19.9679 19.9999 20 19.9294 20 19.8524V4.46791C20 4.39091 19.9679 4.32041 19.9038 4.25641C19.8398 4.19224 19.7693 4.16016 19.6923 4.16016H4.30775C4.23075 4.16016 4.16025 4.19224 4.09625 4.25641C4.03208 4.32041 4 4.39091 4 4.46791V19.8524C4 19.9294 4.03208 19.9999 4.09625 20.0639C4.16025 20.1281 4.23075 20.1602 4.30775 20.1602ZM8.80775 14.0447C8.56275 14.0447 8.35408 13.9585 8.18175 13.7862C8.00925 13.6137 7.923 13.405 7.923 13.1602C7.923 12.9153 8.00925 12.7067 8.18175 12.5342C8.35408 12.3618 8.56275 12.2757 8.80775 12.2757C9.05258 12.2757 9.26125 12.3618 9.43375 12.5342C9.60608 12.7067 9.69225 12.9153 9.69225 13.1602C9.69225 13.405 9.60608 13.6137 9.43375 13.7862C9.26125 13.9585 9.05258 14.0447 8.80775 14.0447ZM15.1923 14.0447C14.9474 14.0447 14.7388 13.9585 14.5663 13.7862C14.3939 13.6137 14.3077 13.405 14.3077 13.1602C14.3077 12.9153 14.3939 12.7067 14.5663 12.5342C14.7388 12.3618 14.9474 12.2757 15.1923 12.2757C15.4373 12.2757 15.6459 12.3618 15.8182 12.5342C15.9907 12.7067 16.077 12.9153 16.077 13.1602C16.077 13.405 15.9907 13.6137 15.8182 13.7862C15.6459 13.9585 15.4373 14.0447 15.1923 14.0447ZM5.5 11.3372V17.5332C5.5 17.7152 5.559 17.8652 5.677 17.9832C5.795 18.1012 5.945 18.1602 6.127 18.1602H6.373C6.55517 18.1602 6.70517 18.1012 6.823 17.9832C6.941 17.8652 7 17.7152 7 17.5332V16.1602H17V17.5332C17 17.7152 17.059 17.8652 17.177 17.9832C17.2948 18.1012 17.4448 18.1602 17.627 18.1602H17.873C18.055 18.1602 18.205 18.1012 18.323 17.9832C18.441 17.8652 18.5 17.7152 18.5 17.5332V11.3372L16.927 6.78716C16.8628 6.59866 16.7542 6.44707 16.601 6.33241C16.4478 6.21757 16.277 6.16016 16.0885 6.16016H7.9115C7.723 6.16016 7.55217 6.21757 7.399 6.33241C7.24583 6.44707 7.13717 6.59866 7.073 6.78716L5.5 11.3372ZM7.477 10.1602L8.35 7.66016H15.65L16.523 10.1602H7.477ZM7 14.6602V11.6602H17V14.6602H7Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg>
Revolutionize Automotive Operations
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 25" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M11.3848 20.6602V19.1602H18.6923C18.7756 19.1602 18.8477 19.1345 18.9088 19.0832C18.9696 19.032 19 18.9647 19 18.8814V11.8872C19 9.97549 18.316 8.36616 16.948 7.05916C15.5802 5.75216 13.9308 5.09866 12 5.09866C10.0692 5.09866 8.41983 5.75216 7.052 7.05916C5.684 8.36616 5 9.97549 5 11.8872V17.7754H4.25C3.7705 17.7754 3.359 17.6085 3.0155 17.2747C2.67183 16.9407 2.5 16.5339 2.5 16.0544V14.1122C2.5 13.7878 2.59233 13.4907 2.777 13.2207C2.96167 12.9508 3.20267 12.7339 3.5 12.5699L3.54625 11.2929C3.62825 10.2044 3.91092 9.19607 4.39425 8.26791C4.87758 7.33974 5.49742 6.53174 6.25375 5.84391C7.01025 5.15607 7.88333 4.62016 8.873 4.23616C9.86283 3.85216 10.9052 3.66016 12 3.66016C13.0948 3.66016 14.1346 3.85216 15.1193 4.23616C16.1039 4.62016 16.977 5.15349 17.7385 5.83616C18.5 6.51882 19.1198 7.32424 19.598 8.25241C20.0762 9.18074 20.3614 10.1891 20.4538 11.2774L20.5 12.5294C20.791 12.6666 21.0304 12.8627 21.2183 13.1179C21.4061 13.3731 21.5 13.6577 21.5 13.9717V16.2044C21.5 16.5184 21.4061 16.803 21.2183 17.0582C21.0304 17.3133 20.791 17.5095 20.5 17.6467V18.8814C20.5 19.3736 20.3234 19.7931 19.9703 20.1399C19.6169 20.4867 19.1909 20.6602 18.6923 20.6602H11.3848ZM9.19225 13.9294C8.94742 13.9294 8.73875 13.8464 8.56625 13.6804C8.39392 13.5144 8.30775 13.3089 8.30775 13.0639C8.30775 12.8191 8.39392 12.6121 8.56625 12.4429C8.73875 12.2736 8.94742 12.1889 9.19225 12.1889C9.43725 12.1889 9.64592 12.2736 9.81825 12.4429C9.99075 12.6121 10.077 12.8191 10.077 13.0639C10.077 13.3089 9.99075 13.5144 9.81825 13.6804C9.64592 13.8464 9.43725 13.9294 9.19225 13.9294ZM14.8077 13.9294C14.5627 13.9294 14.3541 13.8464 14.1818 13.6804C14.0093 13.5144 13.923 13.3089 13.923 13.0639C13.923 12.8191 14.0093 12.6121 14.1818 12.4429C14.3541 12.2736 14.5627 12.1889 14.8077 12.1889C15.0526 12.1889 15.2612 12.2736 15.4337 12.4429C15.6061 12.6121 15.6923 12.8191 15.6923 13.0639C15.6923 13.3089 15.6061 13.5144 15.4337 13.6804C15.2612 13.8464 15.0526 13.9294 14.8077 13.9294ZM6.37125 12.3602C6.26742 10.7282 6.77508 9.33166 7.89425 8.17066C9.01342 7.00982 10.3987 6.42941 12.05 6.42941C13.4372 6.42941 14.6612 6.85857 15.722 7.71691C16.783 8.57524 17.4269 9.68641 17.6538 11.0504C16.2333 11.0337 14.9208 10.6607 13.7163 9.93141C12.5118 9.20191 11.5871 8.20191 10.9423 6.93141C10.6884 8.17491 10.1564 9.27424 9.34625 10.2294C8.53592 11.1846 7.54425 11.8948 6.37125 12.3602Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg>
Elevate Customer Support
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 25" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_6388_9132)"> <path d="M20.5656 12.1964V16.4792H3.43443V5.05845H12V3.63086H3.43443C3.05581 3.63086 2.69269 3.78127 2.42497 4.04899C2.15724 4.31672 2.00684 4.67983 2.00684 5.05845V16.4792C2.00684 16.8578 2.15724 17.2209 2.42497 17.4887C2.69269 17.7564 3.05581 17.9068 3.43443 17.9068H9.14481V20.762H6.28962V22.1896H17.7104V20.762H14.8552V17.9068H20.5656C20.9442 17.9068 21.3073 17.7564 21.575 17.4887C21.8428 17.2209 21.9932 16.8578 21.9932 16.4792V12.1964H20.5656ZM13.4276 20.762H10.5724V17.9068H13.4276V20.762Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M15.569 11.4827L12 7.94223L13.1349 6.82157L15.569 9.2342L20.8582 3.98779L21.9932 5.11559L15.569 11.4827Z" fill="currentColor"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_6388_9132"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="white" transform="translate(0 0.160156)"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>
Escalate your users' communication
Optimize Audits and Inspections
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 25" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M16.2557 20.6602L15.2115 19.6159L16.7865 18.0159L15.2115 16.4409L16.2557 15.3717L17.8558 16.9717L19.4307 15.3717L20.5 16.4409L18.9 18.0159L20.5 19.6159L19.4307 20.6602L17.8558 19.0852L16.2557 20.6602ZM6.25 19.1602C6.5975 19.1602 6.89267 19.0387 7.1355 18.7957C7.3785 18.5528 7.5 18.2577 7.5 17.9102C7.5 17.5627 7.3785 17.2675 7.1355 17.0247C6.89267 16.7817 6.5975 16.6602 6.25 16.6602C5.9025 16.6602 5.60733 16.7817 5.3645 17.0247C5.1215 17.2675 5 17.5627 5 17.9102C5 18.2577 5.1215 18.5528 5.3645 18.7957C5.60733 19.0387 5.9025 19.1602 6.25 19.1602ZM6.25 20.6602C5.48717 20.6602 4.83817 20.3925 4.303 19.8572C3.76767 19.322 3.5 18.673 3.5 17.9102C3.5 17.1473 3.76767 16.4983 4.303 15.9632C4.83817 15.4278 5.48717 15.1602 6.25 15.1602C6.85383 15.1602 7.39708 15.3374 7.87975 15.6919C8.36242 16.0464 8.69158 16.5153 8.86725 17.0987C9.58142 16.973 10.1731 16.6339 10.6423 16.0814C11.1116 15.5287 11.3463 14.8883 11.3463 14.1602V10.3044C11.3463 8.99157 11.8097 7.87174 12.7365 6.94491C13.6635 6.01791 14.7834 5.55441 16.0962 5.55441H17.6115L15.7865 3.72941L16.8558 2.66016L20.5 6.30441L16.8558 9.94866L15.7865 8.90441L17.602 7.05441H16.0962C15.1924 7.05441 14.4247 7.37007 13.7933 8.00141C13.1619 8.63291 12.8462 9.40057 12.8462 10.3044V14.1602C12.8462 15.2935 12.469 16.281 11.7145 17.1227C10.96 17.9643 10.0212 18.4614 8.898 18.6139C8.743 19.2177 8.419 19.7097 7.926 20.0899C7.433 20.4701 6.87433 20.6602 6.25 20.6602ZM4.54425 8.94866L3.5 7.90441L5.075 6.30441L3.5 4.72941L4.54425 3.66016L6.14425 5.26016L7.71925 3.66016L8.7885 4.72941L7.1885 6.30441L8.7885 7.90441L7.71925 8.94866L6.14425 7.37366L4.54425 8.94866Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg>
Support your Customers No Matter Where They Are
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 25" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_6388_9129)"> <path d="M15 4.66016C15 6.05418 15.9596 7.21833 17.25 7.55366V10.6602C17.25 11.9009 16.2407 12.9102 15 12.9102H9C8.15258 12.9102 7.37873 13.2034 6.75 13.6794V7.55366C8.04023 7.21833 9 6.05418 9 4.66016C9 3.00558 7.6542 1.66016 6 1.66016C4.3458 1.66016 3 3.00558 3 4.66016C3 6.05418 3.95978 7.21826 5.25 7.55366V16.6602V16.7667C3.95978 17.1021 3 18.2664 3 19.6602C3 21.3144 4.3458 22.6602 6 22.6602C7.6542 22.6602 9 21.3144 9 19.6602C9 18.2664 8.04023 17.1021 6.75 16.7667V16.6602C6.75 15.4194 7.75927 14.4102 9 14.4102H15C17.0676 14.4102 18.75 12.7278 18.75 10.6602V7.55366C20.0404 7.21833 21 6.05418 21 4.66016C21 3.00558 19.6546 1.66016 18 1.66016C16.3454 1.66016 15 3.00558 15 4.66016ZM4.5 4.66016C4.5 3.83328 5.17275 3.16016 6 3.16016C6.82725 3.16016 7.5 3.83328 7.5 4.66016C7.5 5.48703 6.82725 6.16016 6 6.16016C5.17275 6.16016 4.5 5.48703 4.5 4.66016ZM7.5 19.6602C7.5 20.4874 6.82725 21.1602 6 21.1602C5.17275 21.1602 4.5 20.4874 4.5 19.6602C4.5 18.8329 5.17275 18.1602 6 18.1602C6.82725 18.1602 7.5 18.8329 7.5 19.6602ZM19.5 4.66016C19.5 5.48703 18.8269 6.16016 18 6.16016C17.1731 6.16016 16.5 5.48703 16.5 4.66016C16.5 3.83328 17.1731 3.16016 18 3.16016C18.8269 3.16016 19.5 3.83328 19.5 4.66016Z" fill="currentColor"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_6388_9129"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="none" transform="translate(0 0.160156)"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>
Extend Your Reach Beyond Physical Boundaries
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Streamline Claims Processing
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