With over 50 functionalities to choose from, you can personalize your communication workflow to suit your specific needs.
Co-browsing documents
Collaboratively view and navigate through documents or web pages in real-time.
Customize the appearance and branding elements of the platform or application.
Enable users to electronically sign documents, contracts, or agreements.
Customer Issue alerts
Receive instant notifications about customer-related issues during calls, like permission errors or weak connections, empowering agents to swiftly troubleshoot and ensure seamless communication.
Chat to video escalation
Seamlessly transition from text-based chat to video calls for enhanced communication and clarity.
Share your screen with other participants during video sessions for collaborative purposes.
Scheduling tool
Efficiently organize and manage appointments, meetings, and sessions.
Click & play
Initiate video sessions directly from the browser without the need for downloads or technical expertise.
Ad-Hoc video sessions
Quickly initiate impromptu video sessions or meetings as needed.
Evidence collection
Collect and store relevant evidence or documentation during interactions or sessions.
Real-time auto translations
Automatically translate conversations or content in real-time to facilitate communication across language barriers.
New post-call message
Automatically send configurable messages after calls for follow-up or further action.
Questionnaire & surveys
Collect feedback or gather information through structured questionnaires or surveys.
Share documents
Share documents or files with other participants during video sessions.
Video recording
Record video sessions or meetings for future reference or documentation purposes.
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